Croatian Higher Education Institutions-Public and Private

Higher education institutions in Croatia have been established in accordance with the Scientific Activity and Higher Education Act. There are three types of higher education institutions:
  • Universities (sveučilista)
  • Polytechnics (veleučilista)
  • Colleges of applied sciences (visoke skole)

Universities (sveučilista)

Universities in Croatia comprises of art academies, faculties, institutes, student centres, departments, health care institutions, foundations, technological centres and libraries. Universities offer study programmes at three levels: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate. This type of higher education institutions are more theoretical-oriented, and prepare pupils to take up independent research in private and public sector.

Faculty (fakulteti): Faculty is a constituent of the university that conducts university studies. It develops professional work/studies and scientific research in many professional and scientific fields. 

Academy of arts (umjetničke akademije): Art academies are higher education institutions that as a constituent of the universities conduct university artistic studies. The academies also organize and conduct professional studies in the field of arts, and carries out scientific research in arts. 

University department (odjeli): The department is a part of university that takes part in the development and implementation of the university courses of study. It also develops artistic, scientific, and professional work in one scientific area or in interdisciplinary fields of science.

University Institute (sveučilisni instituti): The institute is a constituent of the university that carries out scientific activity in one or more related science areas, generally associated with university higher education process. It also takes part in the teaching process as per the order passed by the university.

Polytechnics (veleučilista) and School of Professional Higher Education/College of Applied Sciences (visoke skole)

These are the higher education institutions that organize and carry out professional studies

Polytechnics: These higher education institutions conduct a minimum of three different professional courses of study in at least 3 disciplines.

Colleges of applied sciences: These higher education institutions provide specialised professional course of study in fewer disciplines.
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